Mary Thompson House (Lee's HQ)

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  • Regular price $275.00

Historic Mary Thompson House / Lee's Headquarters

The elderly widow Mary Thompson co-owned her small house west of Gettysburg on the Chambersburg Pike with Republican Congressman Thaddeus Stevens, a staunch northern abolitionist, when the Battle of Gettysburg began the morning of July 1, 1863. Top commanding Confederate General Robert E. Lee was quick to make her house his headquarters upon realizing its strategic location overlooking the battlefield. During the Battle of Gettysburg the house received battle damage and also served as a field hospital for both sides. One contemporary account states that following the battle, “…an empty stone house and fenceless yard were all that was left the widow of seventy years.”

  •  Replica building hand-crafted in the USA
  • 1:87 scale replica (HO scale)
  • Allow 8-10 weeks for delivery